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January 26, 2019

2019 Founders Day Celebration Luncheon

"CAC Vision 20/20: Strategic Alignment, Sustainable Execution" ~ Members, Family, and Friends of Cambridge Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. gathered to celebrate 106 years of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service!  Guest Speaker: Kimberly Holmes Wiggins, News Anchor, WBOC

August 25, 2018

CAC Kicks of SY18-19 with a great Sisterhood Retreat!

During their annual Chapter Retreat, the Sorors of CAC gathered for a wonderful day of fellowship, education, bonding, sisterhood and fun! School supplies were packaged up for delivery to a local elementary school next week. A soror was celebrated for 50+ years of dedication to sisterhood, scholarship and service. The Sorors engaged in bonding - "name that tune" and "how sweet it is" sisterhood activities. Laughter and tears were shared... In preparation of a SY filled with great expectations, they brushed up on parliamentary procedures, risk management and protocol and traditions. The chapter's incoming president, Soror Tara L. Newman-Bell, introduced their biennium theme: CAC Vision 20/20, Strategic Alignment | Sustainable Execution! The Sorors departed to serve and ready to "Change the World!" #CACVision2020 #WakeupEverybody #TheWorldWontGetNoBetter#WeGottaChangeYeah #JustYouandMe #Dears #Divas #Dolls #DST1913

May 06, 2018

Cambridge Members attend the March of Dimes Walk in Preston, MD

As members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., we are a part of the sororities strategic partnership with the March of Dimes. March for Babies gives Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and its members an opportunity to show their communities they care about healthy moms, strong babies and their families. On May 6, 2018, Cambridge Alumnae Chapter (CAC) demonstrated our commitment to fighting premature birth which is the number one killer of babies in the United States. Sorors, along with family and friends, participated in the 2018 March for Babies Walk! Additionally, CAC walked with and in support of its own members/families who were celebrating and remembering their own preemies; Sorors Dixon, Hayman and Newman-Bell! A special thanks to our Project 13 Chair and Committee for coordinating today's participants. 

May 06, 2018

Cambridge Alumnae's 2018 May Week was a Success!

During the Week of May 6, 2018 through May 12, 2018, Cambridge held its May Week Activities. May Week is a traditional national program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. that was created in 1920. The purpose of May Week is to emphasize the importance of education and celebrate academic and professional achievements.

Cambridge Alumnae explored all facets of academic and professional enrichment. From educational programs offered by the sorority to preparing students for college, the program continued by helping professionals nail their interviews, staying physically fit while managing their careers, and creating vision boards to prepare for their futures: academically and professionally!

All events were free!

April 18, 2018

Cambridge Turns 66!!

Cambridge Alumnae's charter was established on April 18, 1952! 

April 18, 2018

Eastern Shore of MD Branches of the NAACP hosts a Candidate's Forum

On 4/18/18, the Eastern Shore of MD branches of the NAACP hosted a Candidate forum for candidates running for office on the Eastern Shore! Candidates who participated included:

Charles Cephas delegate District 37A (D);
Holly Wright Senate (District 37); (D)
Sheree Sample Hughes (District 37A) (D);
Mimi Gedamu delegate (district 37B) (R)
Frank Cooke delegate (district 37 A) (R);
Wick Dudley delegate (district 36) (R);
Dr. Kirkland Hall delegate (district 38)

The forum was very well attended by constituents from most counties on the Eastern Shore and several organizations served as community partners:

- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Kappa Theta Omega Chapter
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cambridge Alumnae Chapter 
- Eastern Shore Political Action Committee for Social and Economic Justice; 
- The Links, Incorporated
- Talbot Rising
- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Iota Chi Theta Chapter

Cambridge Alumnae’s Social Action and Political Awareness and Involvement committee co-Chair, Dr. Lois McCoy was happy to serve and participate in the program!

April 18, 2018

CAC Takes Areas Students to Historically Black Colleges and Universities "HBCU's"

On April 18, 2018, CAC sponsored a HBCU college tour. High school students within our service area visited Howard University & Bowie State University. Students received admission criteria, toured the campuses & got a glimpse of Greek Life! The students were engaged & also had a good time!

April 16, 2018

Cambridge Alumnae Chapter meets with Mayor Willey and the Town Council for Delta Day at City Hall in Easton, Maryland

On April 16, 2018 this evening, members of CAC attended the Town of Easton Council Meeting to announce the chapter’s plans to host a “Back to School -- School Supply Drive” for the students of the local Elementary Schools. In addition, they shared the chapter’s interest in partnering further with the Town of Easton to determine how the sororities programs and services can be utilized. CAC is looking forward to continued collaboration with the Town Council. A special thanks to the CAC Social Action Committee for scheduling tonight's meeting. #DeltaDayinEaston #SocialAction#EducationalDevelopment #CommunityService #EffectiveService#SustainableImpact #Partnership

April 10, 2018

Delta Day with Mayor Jake Day of Salisbury, Maryland

On April 10, 2018, Cambridge Alumnae members met with Mayor Jake Day of Salisbury, MD to explore ways for collaboration and partnership with the Salisbury Community!

April 14, 2018

CAC Holds Its Annual Health Fair!

On Saturday April 14, 2018, CAC held their annual Health Fair in Salisbury, MD. Various topics included Stress Management, Financial Health, Bullying, and Health from an International perspective. Participants were treated to Zumba by Mitchell's Fitness and blood pressure screenings. A great time was held by all! Special acknowledgement to Shabri Worthey, a member of the Nu Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for presenting the international segment!


We thank all of our Chapter members who made this event a success through volunteering their time, making presentations, and showing up!!!


#PhysicalandMentalHealth #MindBodySpirit #HealthyLifestyles

April 01, 2018



April is officially recognized in the United States as National Financial Literacy month, a time when heightened awareness is placed on financial literacy education.

National economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the basis for the development of Financial Fortitude, the current Economic Development program initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

Throughout the month of April, Cambridge Alumnae will share financial information that includes strategies and tips about financial health, wellness, debt reduction and building wealth to support building a secure financial future.

March 24, 2018

Cambridge Alumnae Donates Easter Baskets to MSCFV Families!

On March 24, 2018, Cambridge Alumnae continued it’s support for Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence by donating Easter Baskets to participating families!


“Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence (MSCFV) is a critical resource for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) victims on the Eastern Shore serving counties of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot. The agency’s services spans from crisis-focused hotline, advocacy, shelter to longer term transitional housing, counseling, and legal services, education and prevention initiatives and implements public awareness efforts to educate the community about domestic violence. Our goal is helping survivors end the violence in their lives. Through these efforts, MSCFV strives to create healthy opportunities to break the cycle of domestic violence for victims and their children.” ~ -#NEVERGIVEUPHOPE #socialaction #DST

March 17, 2018

CAC Celebrates Sisterhood Month!

Cambridge Alumnae started our meeting day off by showing love and honor to our beloved Delta Dears with an African Violet for each Dear. We continued our homage to Sisterhood Month by having lunch and fellowship with our sisters at Ruby Tuesday. Each Soror received a commemorative Harriet Tubman plate-the ultimate example of sisterhood and our local heroine!

March 18, 2018

Two Pan Hellenic Organizations Give Back!

March 18, members of Cambridge Alumnae served alongside members of Phi Beta Sigma at the Christian Shelter in Salisbury! #Service #GreeksandService!

March 13, 2018

Maryland District 1 Sorors meet with Rep. Andy Harris' Office

During Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital, members from Cambridge, Harford, and Princess Anne Alumnae chapters met with District 1 Rep. Andy Harris’ staffer Abigail Balmert. The group discussed current legislative issues impacting the constituents of the Eastern Shore. Topics included: Domestic Violence, Gun Violence, Economic issues, and Voting Rights, to name a few.


We all have the same goal, and that is to serve the people of the Eastern Shore of Maryland to the best of our ability. The members of these chapters believe that cultivating a relationship with Rep. Harris and his staff will allow that to happen seamlessly.


#DDNC, #EasternShoreDeltas #SocialActionatitsBest

March 01, 2018

Maryland Chapters attend their annual Delta Day in Annapolis!

March 1, 2018: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. members of Maryland attended their annual Delta Days in Annapolis, spending time with their legislators, obtaining pertinent information related to Delta’s Social Action Agenda, and being motivated to take such information back to their chapters and communities. The Eastern Shore of Maryland was well represented!

February 25, 2018

Cambridge Members supported First Baptist Church of Salisbury's Annual Collegiate Day!

Feb. 25, 2018, chapter members of CAC (as well as other members of collegiate fraternities and sororities- including our sister chapter, PAAC fellowshipped together at First Baptist Church of Salisbury for their Annual Collegiate Day

February 17, 2018

Cambridge Member, Victoria Jackson-Stanley visits Africa!

Cambridge Member Victoria Stanley and other members of the Cambridge community visited Africa in February. One of the purposes of this state department trip was to discuss the Pine Street movement in Cambridge and the dialogue has occurred since the fire.

February 16, 2018

Cambridge Alumnae Sees "Black Panther!"

Cambridge Alumnae Chapter Arts & Letters Committee hosted a Delta Red Carpet viewing of the "Black Panther" at Regal Stadium 16 in Salisbury. The Delta Red Carpet initiative is to support films & show with our attendance that there is a market for Black films. Members, family & friends were in attendance & a good time was had by all. Excellent Movie!

February 02, 2018

Pink Goes Red

The Ladies of The Kappa Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and The Cambridge Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. collaborated and took a stand against Heart Disease in an informative session. Testing and healthy activities were provided! The event was directly related to DST's strategic partnerships (Project 13) with the American Heart Association as well as our Programmatic Thrust of Physical and Mental Health!

February 01, 2018

Tell Them We Are Rising!

Members of Cambridge Alumnae were well in attendance for the screening of the HBCU Documentary, “Tell Them We Are Rising.” The event was sponsored by the Caroline County Public Library. A healthy discussion followed, with members of the community offering their experience in attending HBCUs and the importance of maintaining their legacy and relevance in our communities. Cambridge Arts and Letters

September 16, 2017

Social Networking

To see more from the Cambridge Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., log in or create an account on Facebook!

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